A very big thank you to all who attended the Friends for Life Breakfast held at the Metropolitan Ballroom last Thursday!
The mission of Little Brother's Friends of the Elderly is to alleviate isolation and loneliness among the elderly while promoting their independence and well-being.
It was a tremendous success and raised awareness to more than 120 attendees! Below are some excerpts from the event.
We were honored to have an exclusive video message from Senator Amy Klobuchar.
WCCO Radio’s Jordana Green interviewed Little Brother’s Executive Director, James Falvey about LBFE’s history, mission and vision for the future.
Elder friends Virginia and Jim shared how Little Brothers changed their lives for the better.
Thank you to all who came, supported and donated to this wonderful organization! Your contributions, no matter how big or small, go towards making a huge difference by bringing companionship to more Twin Cities elders.