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Code of Ethics

Fiduciary Financial Advisor in Minneapolis, MN | 401k Rollover

Accredited Investment Fiduciary, AIF®

​​An Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) recognizes this Code of Ethics and its principles and obligations, in addition to those set forth by any other Code that governs professional and ethical conduct.


To my clients, I will:

  • Employ and provide the client information on the Prudent Practices when serving as an investment fiduciary and/or advising other investment fiduciaries.

  • Act with honesty and integrity and avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived.

  • Ensure the timely and understandable disclosure of relevant information that is accurate, complete, and objective.

  • Be responsible when determining the value of my services and my form of compensation; taking into consideration the time, skill, experience, and special circumstances involved in providing my services.

  • Know the limits of my expertise, and refer my clients to colleagues and/or other professionals in connection with issues beyond my knowledge and skills.

  • Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of my work, and not disclose such information to others, except when authorized or otherwise legally obligated to do so. I will not use confidential information acquired in the course of my work for my personal advantage.

  • Not exploit any relationship or responsibility that has been entrusted to me.

To my community - whether defined by work, family, and/or friends - I will:​

  • Proactively promote and be a steward of ethical behavior as a responsible partner among my peers in the work environment and in my community.

  • Ensure that the overall promotion of my practice is implemented in the best interests of my profession.

  • Seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work; acknowledge and correct errors; and properly credit the contributions of others.

  • Use corporate assets and resources employed or entrusted to me in a responsible manner.

  • Continue to improve my knowledge and skills, share ideas and information with colleagues, and assist them in their professional development.

Robert D. Lawson is an AIF® Designee – a Broadridge Company

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Barrington Capital Management, Inc.

3800 American Blvd West   |   Suite 1500

Bloomington, MN  55431

952-835-1000   |    800-741-0704


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Neither Barrington Capital Management, Inc., nor any of their Investment Adviser Representatives, provide tax or legal advice. Tax and legal advice should only be obtained from a qualified professional. All written content on this site is for informational purposes only. All information and ideas should be discussed in detail with an advisor prior to implementation. Examples from our news feeds, blogs or articles do not take into consideration commissions, investment management fees, miscellaneous transaction fees, tax considerations, or margin requirements, which are factors that may significantly affect the economic consequences of a given strategy. Investors should review transaction costs, margin requirements and tax considerations with their financial or tax advisor before entering into any investment or financial planning strategy. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness.

Investment Advisory services are offered by Barrington Capital Management, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser in the state of Minnesota. Barrington Capital Management, Inc. may utilize the services of First Ascent Asset Management, LLC for certain investment portfolios. Insurance products and services are also offered through Barrington Capital Management, Inc., a licensed insurance agency. 

Disclosure: Barrington Capital Management, Inc. is not a law firm. Robert D. Lawson and his associates are not practicing attorneys. The scope of any activities performed by Robert D. Lawson, subcontractors or employees of Barrington Capital Management, Inc. is limited to litigation consulting and litigation support. 

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